
現在越來越多農產品標榜自然農法,可是到底什麼是自然農法呢? 農法有許多流派,簡單區分如下: 慣行農法:使用化學農藥、化學肥料。 有機農法:使用有機農藥、有機肥料,有些有機農法會使用部分許可的化學資材。 自然農法有許多流派,而有不少自然農法和有機農法並沒有多少差異,大部分的有機和自然農法比較著重於使用對人體無直接傷害的資材。但是天然不等於無害,鹽巴也是天然的東西,但吃多了一樣會傷身。天然的資材如果濃度、比例、程序不對的話,也是會傷害土地的。 秀明自然農法會使用的東西只有水和乾淨的草葉,以及這些草葉製作的堆肥。不會使用別的東西,即使是天然的木屑及糞便等等。對很多農民來說這樣實在是很不方便,但是就因為這樣的不方便,所以消費者可以很放心。而且如果真的理解大自然的話,就會明白植物其實不需要人來餵養和保護,農民不需要使用任何資材也可以生產糧食,我覺得這其實是一種解放。 就我看來其實農法只有兩種:一種是人主導、土地和作物只是被支配者。另一種是自然主導、而人是協助土地和作物的配角。的確有不少實施自然農法的人會從配角變成觀眾,而讓農地陷入失守的狀態,這當然也是錯誤的,只要是農地就應該生產糧食,把農地變成荒地我並不覺得這叫做環保。 秀明自然農法也很重視效率和產量,只要人能夠多了解大自然,順勢而為就會得到整個宇宙的力量來協助種植。但是當人不了解大自然時而硬要逆勢操作時,就會需要許許多多資材才有辦法種植作物。 這張照片就清楚說明了一切了。







I have always been interested in nature and had some questions about the way man is using technic to exploit it. Six years after I have got an process engineering diploma (my goal was to know technic in order to criticize it in a more relevant way), I started a 5 years education in Biology (BSc), Ecology (Master 1) and Sustainable landscape management (Master 2). My central concern was how to preserve the biodiversity, i.e. how to better integrate the human activity in the ecosytemic dynamic.

As I was studying biology and ecology, I realized further and further that a key point to address these questions is the way human uses the space. The misuse of space par humanity is indeed one of the most important causes of biodiversity erosion. Infrastructures, roads, urbanization, but also use of natural resources (wood, water, minerals, …), pollution, and… agriculture of human destroy dramatically fast the living habitats of all the species.

Agriculture, because it takes over wide areas, and even wider, is also an important concern in this respect. What’s more, because agriculture is linking man and the ecosystems through food (our body needs food created thanks to the ecosystemic dynamics), it appears as an excellent start point to try reconnect people and nature through the consciousness that our health is the health of nature and vice versa. This the reason why my last Master was about sustainable landscape management with an orientation about rural areas.

However, although I have several practical farming experiences over 15 years, my knowledge is more about ecological processes; so I consider that I need a more professional and more precise training in this field. This, to be credible in the collaboration with farmers on ecological landscape management questions, but also because I feel myself the need to have a farming activity.

I think that in the coming years, farmers should become people, who not only produced food but who were an essential element for a new deal between humanity and other species. By developing an agriculture best integrated in the ecosystems, they will give other living beings a new possibility of life, not only in zoo or naturals reserves but together with humans in commons landscapes. For this and thanks to this, I hope that consumers will also play they parts.

Natural farming and the possibility to have a training in its logic appeared like as an excellent opportunity to be a part of this process, what made me quick decided to participate in the Zhudong natural farming experience for 6 months – and for this my thanks go to all organizers of this initiative as well as to the Chin Tien Foundation that finances it.



FB: 新竹自然農俱樂部
網站: http://nature-farmer.org/ch/index.html
e-mail: nf.club.hc@gmail.com
電話: 0910681395 (因為農忙時可能會漏接電話, 所以請善用簡訊留言唷~) ****************************************************************